How to encrypt url ID in php and decrypt URL ID when using GET


How to Encrypt the URL | How to encrypt url ID in php and decrypt URL ID when using GET | php – Hiding $_GET variables using encryption

1- we are going to create an A tag that will have id in it the pass it in a url link.

2- then we encrypt it with our own math formula so that the user wont guess it.

3- then encrypt it using base64 encoding. this will make it even hadder.

4-Using $_GET method get that id in detail page and decrypt that encrpted id using base64 encryption

5- revers the math formula.

this method is for begginer who would like to know how to encrypt url value or id in url using php. if you are this isn’t too good for you then i advice you use hashid php laravel library to encrypt url

#php #encrypt_url #base64 #hideurlvalue


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