Today we’ll take a detour from our BoxBlur and start talking about MultiThreading in x64 ASM. This is really the next x64 ASM and C++ vid, but I don’t want folks to feel like they’ve got to watch the previous 60 vids, so I’ve changed the name.
The first part of the video we’ll talk about what a core and thread is. But most of today’s vid is based on calling the CreateThread function. This is a Windows API function which has the OS split execution and give us a new thread. It’s fiddley stuff, but it doesn’t change much, so the code for creating threads in ASM is pretty much a copy-paste affair from here on.
I know there’s plenty of stuff out there on multithreading already. But ASM gives a peculiar and interesting perspective. We get to create Mutexes, Semaphores, play around with race conditions etc. ASM multithreading is very open ended. You can get right down to locking bytes, and writing all of your own synchronization mechanisms. Eventually this will lead us to complete our BoxBlur in half the time.
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