Hak5 — Cyber Security Education, Inspiration, News & Community since 2005:
GPG Encryption for Windows, what happens if Keybase disappears, Free SSL certificates and how you could end up in prison for withholding your decryption keys. All that and more, this time on Hak5.
Jay – “great vid is there a windows equivalent?”
Yes, you’ll need GPG4Win and Node.js for Windows
When installing use the Node.js Command Prompt to issue “npm install -g keybase-installer”
If you run into errors make sure GPG is in your PATH environment variable
Евгений Фуко –
Do not sudo npm -g install, change npm path to ~/.npm or something, less sudo is better.
And you can replace install to a simple i so npm i -g keybase will just work.
And since you typed ls kerby.jpg you could use a xdg-open kerby.jpg from same terminal, or even add alias open=xdg-open to your ~/.bashrc
The KapSteR –
“What DE are you using on your Ubuntu-box? Looks sweet…”
“what happens if keybase disappears?”
Great question. We hate relying on proprietary stuff. This is why keybase is so great since it’s building on top of open standards like OpenPGP. We can continue using GPG with our public/private keypair on all of our encrypted documents created using Keybase even if the service goes under. Also, Keybase is open source so it’s likely to live on as long as developers and maintainers want it to.
dfvhs wrj j refvyht –
“What up with the UK thing?”
Read up on Key disclosure law.
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 – or RIPA – requires persons to supply decrypted information and/or keys to government representatives with a court order. Failure to disclose carries a maximum penalty of two years in jail.
The provision was first used against animal rights activists in November 2007,[21] and at least three people have been prosecuted and convicted for refusing to surrender their encryption keys,[22] one of whom was sentenced to 13 months’ imprisonment.[23]
Here in the United States we have the Fifth Amendment to our Constitution which protects witnesses from being forced to incriminate themselves.
Let’s Encrypt launches first cert
Please watch: “Bash Bunny Primer – Hak5 2225”
Founded in 2005, Hak5’s mission is to advance the InfoSec industry. We do this through our award winning educational podcasts, leading pentest gear, and inclusive community – where all hackers belong.