Node JS Full Course – Learn Node.js in 7 Hours | Node.js Tutorial for Beginners | Edureka


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This Edureka Node.js Full Course video will help you in learn Node.js along with practical demonstration. This Node.js Tutorial for Beginners is ideal for both beginners as well as professionals who want to master the most prominently used javascript backend framework. Below are the topics covered in this node.js tutorial video:
00:00 Introduction
2:32 What is Node.js?
3:22 Client-Server Architecture
4:12 Multi-Threaded Model
6:13 Single-Threaded Model
7:43 Multi-Threaded vs Event-Driven
9:45 Uber Old Architecture
11:10 Uber New Architecture
12:30 What is Node.js?
13:05 Sucess Stories
14:20 Node.js Trend
14:40 Node.js Features
16:25 Node.js Installation
16:50 Node.js First Example
17:30 Blocking vs Non-blocking
18:50 Demo
23:50 Node.js Modules
23:50 NPM
25:10 Global Objects
26:55 File System
30:30 Callbacks
31:45 Event
33:05 HTTP
34:50 Hands On
1:09:45 Node.js Tutorial
1:10:45 What is Node.js?
1:12:10 Features of Node.js
1:13:00 Node.js Architecture
1:14:55 NPM(Node Package Manager)
1:16:20 Node.js Modules
1:16:30 Node.js Modules Types
1:16:35 Core Modules
1:16:55 Local Modules
1:17:10 3rd Party Modules
1:18:35 JSON File
1:23:30 Data Types
1:25:35 Variables
1:26:40 Operators
1:27:45 Functions
1:29:10 Objects
1:29:55 File Systems
1:33:50 Events
1:34:20 HTTP Module
1:40:02 Events
1:44:37 HTTP Module
1:45:27 Creating a Web Server using Node.js
1:45:42 Express.js
1:46:57 Demo
1:58:37 Node.js NPM Tutorial
1:59:37 What is NPM?
2:03:12 Main Functions of NPM
2:04:27 Need For NPM
2:08:07 NPM Packages
2:17:42 NPM Installation
2:18:12 JSON File
2:31:32 Node.js Express Tutorial
2:32:02 Introduction to Express.js
2:32:32 Features of Express.js
2:35:27 Getting Started with Express.js
2:39:42 Routing Methods
2:44:57 Hands-On
2:48:12 Building RESTful API with Node.js
2:48:27 What is REST API?
2:49:42 Features of REST API
2:51:12 Principles of REST API
2:56:37 Methods of REST API
2:59:52 Building REST API with Node.js
3:24:07 Node.js MySQL Tutorial
3:24:32 What is MySQL?
3:25:13 Advantages of Using MySQL with Node.js
3:27:38 MySQL Installation
3:44:23 Node.js MongoDB Tutorial
3:44:58 What is NoSQL?
3:47:53 NoSQL Databases
3:48:38 Introduction to MongoDB
3:52:48 Features of MongoDB
3:53:03 MongoDB Installation
4:36:08 Node.js Docker Tutorial
4:36:38 What is Docker?
4:39:13 Docker Working
4:41:43 Docker Basics
4:41:48 DockerFile
4:42:03 Docker Images
4:42:23 Docker Container
4:44:38 Why use Node.js with Docker?
4:45:18 Demo: Node.js with Docker
4:58:38 MEAN Stack Application Tutorial
4:59:18 What is MEAN Application?
4:59:53 MongoDB
5:00:28 Express
5:01:13 Angular
5:01:23 Node.js
5:02:17 RESTful API
5:03:02 Contact List MEAN App
6:17:57 Node.js Interview Questions




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