Logging Out Users – Native Laravel 5.4 Multiple Authentication Series (Part 4)


So far in this series we have covered in depth how to set up an authentication system with multiple user types (not to be confused with user roles which are different). In this video of the series we will address questions on how to log users out of the app.

First we want to set up some debugging tools so we know if we are logged in as a normal user, as an admin, or both.

Once we have that figured out, it will make things a lot easier and now we can set up the logout function.

The process is fairly straightforward. We are going to copy the logout() function from the laravel foundation source files. We then can customize it with our guard and finally tie it into a route so it can execute.

—— WRITTEN TUTORIAL: (Coming Soon)

=== Multiple Authentication in Laravel 5.4 Series: ===
Part 1: Setting up our Models and Auth Guards

Part 2: Creating Login Pages and Logging in Users

Part 3: Modifying Middleware to Support Multiple Users

Part 4: Logging out multiple users

Part 5: Forgot My Password Functionality across Multiple User Types
Coming Soon.


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Laravel 5.4 Authentication Multiple User Models One Application. Logging out users admin and normal users. Logout multiple users with laravel and PHP. Best tutorial authentication laravel help. Laravel 5.3 Muliple Authentication. No Packages. Laravel Php code tutorial video post example. Store user admins. Multiauth tutorial.


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